GREAT HOUNDS | Greyhounds for adoption

Dogs for Adoption – Greyhounds and Lurchers waiting for homes

Mary (greyhound)

second name:Leaders Range
Joined #GHINFamily - 17/06/2024
Height : circa 64cm
Passport# : IEC188576
Children : Not Tested.
Small Dogs : Yes, with our Jack Russell
Cats : Not Tested
Injuries : Nothing we were told about or noticed since she arrived.
How Obtained : Surrendered by Owner
Character : Very friendly and happy. Mary came with her sister Anna and we had no other space apart from in the house with 2 lurchers a pointer and a jack Russell. They both made friends immediately and without any arguments, chose their preferred places in the bedding arrangements and have just been wonderful. If at first she seems a bit shy, it is just because she might not know what she is to do. She gets on well with all humans and canines she has met so far. Comes up for hugs and smiles. Her future family will be blessed to have her.
NB :: Being a greyhound/sighthound means potentially could go into hunting mode if sees small animals running. We are now putting this warning with all of our sighthounds and does not mean that this particular one is this way - just a warning to introduce carefully and be watchful.
Enquiries from Ireland and UK :
Enquiries from Scandanavia via our partners in Sweden, Friends Forever :
Enquiries from Germany via our partners Greyhound Protection :
Enquiries from Germany via our other partners Greyhound Forever :
Enquiries from Slovenia via our partners Hrtji Svet Slovenie :
Enquiries from Austria via our partners Ösi-Greys - Greyhounds in Österreich :
Great Hounds in Need are Registered Sellers or Suppliers of Pet Animals VPT200001C in accordance with Animal Health and Welfare Regulations 2019
date of birth:2021-10-12
chip: 977200010023410
tattoo: YB JPE
neutered: yes
possible arrival:
status: safe in home

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