Height : circa 57cm
Microchip Nbr : 981098108852059
Passport# : IEC186470
Children : Not Tested.
Small Dogs : Yes, once she is introduced properly
Cats : Not Tested
Injuries : Nothing significant but sometimes she does seem to have a stiffness in her hip/back leg. She run fast and is very mobile and agile so it is not an issue.
How Obtained : Longford dog pound along with her 2 daughters Alex and Charlie.
Character : When Harpur came to us first, she was very nervous and apparently in the 3 weeks she was in the pound, the warden never got near to her. She took almost a week with us, though we were not trying. We just ignored her and let her find her own space. Gradually she came closer and closer and now she cannot get enough of us. She is almost instantly friendly with any and all new volunteers and other people who come along and so we know that her trust issues are really lessened now. She is a happy girl, energetic when she needs to be, playing with young Ozzy etc and she is very bonded to her pack. She also is very protective against outside dogs if not introduced but seems to have no problem once she has been shown that the other dogs are welcome. She is truly a sweetheart (yes we do say this about most of our #ghinfamily but it is always true) and her photos capture much of that sweetness. She does retain some of her nervous instincts and likes people to be sitting or stationary while she eats or else she will not relax and settle. She is currently sharing the house with Ozzy, a male lurcher, Concierge, a Jack Russell, Doc, a pointer and 2 female greyhounds with no problems at all. Some of these photos were taken in February 2024 and the others in June 2024.
NB :: Being a greyhound/sighthound means potentially could go into hunting mode if sees small animals running. We are now putting this warning with all of our sighthounds and does not mean that this particular one is this way - just a warning to introduce carefully and be watchful.
Enquiries from Ireland and UK : ireland@greathounds.eu
Enquiries from Scandanavia via our partners in Sweden, Friends Forever : friendsforevernu@gmail.com
Enquiries from Germany via our partners Greyhound Protection : siggi.schulz@greyhoundprotection.de
Enquiries from Germany via our other partners Greyhound Forever : daniela.kraus@greyhoundforever.de
Enquiries from Slovenia via our partners Hrtji Svet Slovenie : Info@hrtjisvet.org
Enquiries from Austria via our partners Ösi-Greys - Greyhounds in Österreich : office@oesi-greys.at
Great Hounds in Need are Registered Sellers or Suppliers of Pet Animals VPT200001C in accordance with Animal Health and Welfare Regulations 2019